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File #: 2025-025   
Type: Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/27/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/13/2025 Final action: 2/13/2025
Title: Consider a resolution authorizing the publication of notice of intention to issue City of Round Rock, Texas combination tax and limited revenue certificates of obligation, Series 2025, and other matters related thereto.
Attachments: 1. Resolution


Consider a resolution authorizing the publication of notice of intention to issue City of Round Rock, Texas combination tax and limited revenue certificates of obligation, Series 2025, and other matters related thereto.




This resolution provides notice that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Round Rock, Texas, to issue interest bearing Certificates of Obligation of the City (the "Certificates") for the purpose of paying contractual obligations incurred or to be incurred by the City for:


(1) constructing, improving, extending, expanding, upgrading, and/or developing streets, roads, bridges, sidewalks, intersections, traffic signalization, and other transportation improvement projects including related waterworks, sewer and drainage improvements, signage, landscaping, irrigation, purchasing any necessary rights-of-way and other related transportation costs, including, but not limited to:

                     Arterial Bottleneck, Maintenance, and Sidewalk Improvements

                     Chisholm Trail North and South

                     County Road 112

                     County Road 118

                     Deep Wood Drive

                     Eagles Nest

                     Gattis School Rd Segments 2, 4, 5, and 6

                     Greenlawn Boulevard Improvements

                     Harrell Parkway

                     Kenney Fort Boulevard Segments 5 & 6

                     North Mays Gap/Widening

                     Old Settlers Boulevard

                     Red Bud North and South

                     Sam Bass and Hairy Man Road Intersection Improvements

                     US 79

                     Wyoming Springs, and


(2) professional services including fiscal, engineering, architectural, and legal fees and other such costs incurred in connection therewith including the costs of issuing the Certificates. The City Council tentatively proposes to consider for first and final reading at a meeting to commence at 6:00 p.m., on the 24th day of April, 2025 at City Hall, 221 East Main Street, Round Rock, Texas, 78664, the passage of an ordinance authorizing the Certificates.  The maximum amount of the Certificates that may be authorized for such purpose is $20,000,000.  The City Council presently proposes to provide for the payment of such Certificates from the levy and collection of ad valorem taxes in the City as provided by law.


The notice will be published at least 45 days prior to the Delegation Ordinance (April 24, 2025) which authorizes the Certificates of Obligation.


Award will be made on April 24, 2025.