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File #: 2025-043   
Type: Ordinance Status: Approved
File created: 1/23/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/13/2025 Final action: 2/13/2025
Title: Consider public testimony regarding, and an ordinance approving Amendment No. 4 to Planned Unit Development (PUD) No. 129 (The District) to redefine main street and paseo locations, and to add standards and a review process for multi-family residential projects. (First Reading)*
Attachments: 1. Ordinance, 2. The District PUD Amendment 4 Development Standards, 3. Exhibit A Survey, 4. Exhibit B Concept Plan 8.5x11, 5. Exhibit C Open Space, 6. Exhibit D Livable Street Conceptual Illustrations, 7. Exhibit E MF-3 Area 1 Architectural Elevations 8.5x11


Consider public testimony regarding, and an ordinance approving Amendment No. 4 to Planned Unit Development (PUD) No. 129 (The District) to redefine main street and paseo locations, and to add standards and a review process for multi-family residential projects. (First Reading)*



History: City Council first approved The District PUD on June 10, 2021. To date, there have been three (3) minor amendments to development standards included in the PUD; however, the proposed use of high-density mixed use development remains unchanged.


Comprehensive Plan and Zoning: The Round Rock 2030 Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property for mixed use development. Mixed use development was proposed with the original PUD for The District and all subsequent amendments including this one. The Code limits the scope of minor PUD amendments and the proposed changes to this PUD were determined by the Planning & Development Services Director to exceed what could be approved administratively through a minor PUD amendment.


Proposed PUD Amendment: The existing PUD for The District included development standards that designated “main street” as a portion of Marshall Circle, which is the ring road within the deveopment. This was depicted on the original concept plan, which also showed a network of paseos within the central portion of the site within Marshall Circle. Since that time, the developers have been working to attract end users and refine the internal lot layout for the central area within Marshall Circle. This has resulted in a change to the layout with the proposal of a private street connection that would extend across the central portion and would align with District Way on the southeast side and Fender Road on the north side. The private street shall comply with the characteristics of a “livable street” as described in The District Open Space Plan (Exhibit C of the original PUD), which would require street trees, landscaping, seating and other site furnishings, traffic calming elements, site lighting, and textured surface materials to help delineate the space dedicated to cars versus the space dedicated to people. Areas along the livable street may include on-street parking, sidewalk dining, performance spaces, or other types of active pedestrian-oriented space and shall be able to accommodate significant foot traffic. Conceptual renderings of the proposed private street are depicted in Exhibit D.


The lot to the east of the proposed private street is proposed to be high-density multi-family development with a structured parking garage and ground level commercial uses facing the new private street. Now that the new private street activates the central portion of the site and makes that the focus of activity, the PUD amendment proposes that it be designated as “main street” rather than Marshall Circle. Per the existing PUD, multi-family residential development shall comply with the MF-3 (High Density Multi-family Residential) zoning district. Generally, MF-3 development would require a separate PUD for the purposes of defining parking ratios and other development standards; however, in this case, many development standards are already included in the existing PUD. Included with this amendment are the following requirements for multi-family development within the PUD area:                     

                     -A parking ratio of 1 space per dwelling unit (based on the results of the parking study that was included with the TIA),

                     -Elevations (renderings) for the proposed new multifamily development depicted as "Mixed Use/MF-3 Area 1" on the concept plan (Exhibit E), and

                     -Language that designates the process for approving future areas of MF-3 development within the PUD by means of a minor amendment.


Planning and Zoning Commission: On January 15, 2025, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 8-0. There were no public speakers for this item.