Consider a resolution approving the proposed Brushy Creek Regional Utility Authority (BCRUA) Annual Operating, Debt Service, and Capital Project Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025.
The proposed Brushy Creek Regional Utility Authority (BCRUA) FY2025 Total Annual Operating Budget, including Capital Outlay and Reserve Adjustment, includes a 21% increase, from $5,332,239 to $6,454,881. The proposed FY 2025 Debt Service Budget will increase by $4,407,663 to $28,330,550. The total Operating and Debt Service budget together will result in a total budget of $34,785,432.
The City of Round Rock’s total FY2025 Operating Budget portion is $2,645,171, and the FY2025 Debt Service Budget portion is $8,849,944. This results in a total operating and debt service budget of $11,495,115 for the City of Round Rock. Round Rock’s portion of the operations budget was based on an assumed flow rate of 6.5 million gallons per day.
Operating Budget changes are summarized as follows. The annual average FY2025 BCRUA water production is projected to increase by 25.2% from 13.3 to 16.65 million gallons per day (mgd). This is the largest driver of the Operating Budget increase, representing 57.6% of the increase. The second largest increase is for plant personnel at 15.7%, and the 3rd largest is repairs and maintenance at 12.5%, due to previously underfunding of these line items and large amount of deferred maintenance items needing attention.
Additionally, $75,000 is being budgeted for Phase 2 of the development of an Asset Management system for BCRUA’s increasing capital assets. Lastly, the debt service increase is mostly driven by the 2024 SWIFT takedowns by Round Rock and Leander planned for later this year.
A table summarizing comparisons of major categories of the budget from FY2024 to FY2025 is shown below. It should be noted that the overall increase in the annual operating budget from FY2024 to FY2025 is less than the FY2023 to FY2024 increase, on a percentage basis, and the resulting cost per 1,000 gallons of treated water is also less than last year’s.
BCRUA Board has reviewed and approved the proposed budget.

Cost: $11,495,115
Source of Funds: Regional Water Fund