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File #: 2025-023   
Type: Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/13/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/13/2025 Final action: 2/13/2025
Title: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute the FY 2024 "Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification" confirming the City's receipt and expenditure of federal asset forfeiture awards and agreeing to continue to participate in the receipt of federal forfeiture awards.
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Exhibit A


Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute the FY 2024 "Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification" confirming the City's receipt and expenditure of federal asset forfeiture awards and agreeing to continue to participate in the receipt of federal forfeiture awards.


This items seeks approval to submit an annual report to and agreement with the federal government that (a) certifies our receipt and use of asset forfeiture funds awarded through federal court processes and (b) provides an affidavit and agreement that allows the City to continue to receive federal awards from asset forfeiture proceedings. Asset forfeiture is a process wherein assets used in the commission of crime are seized with the intent of depriving criminals of the proceeds of their crimes. Federal judges determine whether the assets seized are returned to the subjects of investigation or are awarded to the agencies that participated in the cases that resulted in the seizure.


In FY 2024, the Police Department started with an overall balance of $112,233.15 in federal forfeiture funds. The Department spent no federal funds during the fiscal year but received a total of $68,410.75 in forfeiture funds as a result of court awards. With interest on existing funds totaling $8,612.32, the Department ended FY 2024 with a total of $189,256.22 across Justice and Treasury funds.