Consider a resolution authorizing the City Manager to issue a Purchase Order to SPX Flow, Inc. for the purchase of replacement flocculators for the Water Treatment Plant.
The City’s Water Treatment Plant utilizes flocculators in conjunction with coagulation chemicals to expedite the removal of debris from raw surface water in preparation for the next phase of the treatment process. The flocculators are nearing their service expectancy of about 30 years. Due to the age of these flocculators, and the flocculators beginning to fail, the parts have become obsolete making them unable to be easily repaired. Purchasing the flocculators from one source creates consistency for replacement parts and repair in the future. The majority of flocculators on the market currently are Lightnin brand, and SPX Flow Inc. is a sole source provider of Lightnin brand products in our area. Therefore, we have requested a quote for the replacement of 12 of the plant's flocculators. The replacements will be performed in-house by the City’s water system mechanics and are expected to be replaced within the next year. Flocculators are about 30 years old and in need of replacement
Cost: $285,768.00
Source of Funds: Self-Financed Water Construction