Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Contract for Engineering Services with Kasberg, Patrick & Associates, LP for the N. Mays Street Widening Project.
This contract will provide Professional Services for the development of plans and specifications for the N. Mays Street Widening Project.
The limits of this project are from N. Mays on Paloma Drive to Steam Way (approx. 2,000 LF) and on N. Mays from Oakmont Drive to approximately 675’ south of University Drive/Oakmont Intersection (approx. 1,200 LF).
Improvements shall include a 5-lane roadway section, storm drain system, water quality elements, 10’ Shared Use Path (SUP) on the west side of the roadway, and 6’ sidewalk on the east side.
The Engineer shall provide the necessary engineering and technical services for the completion of Environmental Services, Public Involvement, Surveying & Mapping, Schematic Layout Development, Identification of Utility Conflicts, Coordination with Utility Companies, Preparation of PS&E, Bid Phase Services, and Construction Phase Services.
The cost of these services is $576,165.00.
Cost: $576,165.00
Source of Funds: RR Transportation and Economic Development Corporation (Type B)