Consider a resolution determining that "Competitive Sealed Proposal" is the delivery method which provides the best value for the Water Treatment Plant Miscellaneous Improvements Project.
The City of Round Rock owns and operates a surface Water Treatment Plant (WTP) south of Westinghouse Road. The WTP can treat approximately 52 million gallons of water daily through three existing treatment plant phases: Phase 3, Phase 4, and Phase 5. These treatment plant phases were constructed between 1996 and 2003. Due to the age of the treatment plant phases, various equipment and piping have reached the end of their useful life and are becoming a maintenance issue.
The City contracted AECOM Technical Services, Inc. to review the condition of the miscellaneous piping and equipment and develop a rehabilitation plan to replace failing components. The areas of necessary improvements have been identified, and a detailed design of replacements is underway: removal and replacement of wash down water piping, the addition of a bulk polymer feed system, removal and replacement of chemical fee lines, water sample line replacements, and laboratory improvements for sample collection. Components that require replacement are integral to the plant's continued operation and require careful removal and replacement.
Due to the highly technical nature of working on a functioning Water Treatment Plant, the Utilities and Environmental Services Department requests approval to deliver the project using a Competitive Sealed Proposal delivery method. This will allow us to select a contractor familiar with such scenarios, carefully coordinating and ensuring the plant's continued uninterrupted operation. This project delivery method will help provide the best overall value to the City of Round Rock.
Cost: N/A
Source of Funds: Self-Financed Water Construction