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File #: 2025-044   
Type: Ordinance Status: Approved
File created: 1/23/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/13/2025 Final action: 2/13/2025
Title: Consider public testimony regarding, and an ordinance amending Zoning and Development Code, Chapter 1, Section 1-50, and Chapter 8, Sections 8-10 and 8-40, Code of Ordinances (2018 Edition), regarding landscaping, irrigation, and screening requirements. (First Reading)*
Attachments: 1. Ordinance
Consider public testimony regarding, and an ordinance amending Zoning and Development Code, Chapter 1, Section 1-50, and Chapter 8, Sections 8-10 and 8-40, Code of Ordinances (2018 Edition), regarding landscaping, irrigation, and screening requirements. (First Reading)*

Background: In response to a directive from City Council to enhance the city's water conservation efforts, the Public Works and Planning & Development Services Departments partnered on an initiative to research and propose opportunities for revisions to the Development Code that would increase water conservation by decreasing irrigation consumption for Code-required landscape areas. After studying landscape codes from other municipalities, evaluating xeriscaping options, researching types of turfgrass and ground preparation, and considering the financial impacts of such amendments to the development community, staff identified targeted revisions to the Code that will reduce water utilization and preserve the city's natural resources.

Additionally, other deficiencies were identified by staff in the landscape and screening code because they were not prescriptive enough to result in landscaping that served the intended purpose, or they were requiring landscaping that did not provide value to the community. Finally, with the growing prevalence of smaller single-family lots, staff have observed the current tree requirement for individual residential lots to be problematic because it results in too many large trees in too small of an area without room to grow, which will ultimately result in conflicts between the trees and other structures. Revisions have been included with this amendment to resolve those issues.

Proposed Revisions:

Reducing Non-Functional Turfgrass

Turfgrass varieties commonly installed on both residential and non-residential sites have high water needs and, during the many dry months we have in central Texas, require irrigation to survive. In addition, many areas of...

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