Consider public testimony regarding, and an ordinance rezoning 8.51 acres located northwest of the intersection of Sam Bass Road and Meadows Drive from the PF-2 (Public Facilities - Medium Intensity) zoning district to the MF-1 (Multifamily - Low Density) zoning district. (First Reading)*
Proposal: The applicant, Andres Mendoza, is requesting to rezone 8.51 acres from PF-2 (Public Facilities - Medium Intensity) to MF-1 (Multifamily - Low Density) for a low density multifamily apartment project, with approximately 119 units. This vacant property was previously owned by Freedom Church, but has since been sold to a residential developer.
Comprehensive Plan and Zoning: The FLUM (Future Land Use Map) of the Round Rock 2030 Comprehensive Plan designates this site as Residential. The property is currently zoned PF-2 (Public Facilities - Medium Intensity). The Comprehensive Plan designation of residential supports low density multi-family development with the following location criteria which this site meets:
· Primary access is allowed via arterial roadway or collector street; and
· Direct access to abutting single-family neighborhoods is discouraged unless integrated as part of a master planned community or as required to implement transportation network policy objectives; and
· Low density multifamily developments shall not be located immediately adjacent to other low density multifamily developments; they must be separated by open space such as parkland or natural features.
Traffic, Access and Roads: The site has frontage on Sam Bass Road. A turn lane analysis will need to be completed during the site development phase. This may trigger a right turn deceleration lane and/or a left turn lane that would impact the site development and platting. A Traffic Impact Analysis is not required for this development, and roadway Impact fees will be collected at the time of building permit application.
MF-1 District: This district allows for a density of 12 unit...
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