Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Guaranteed Price Amendment to the Construction Manager at Risk Standard Form of Agreement between the City and Spawglass Contractors, Inc. for the Old Settlers Buildout Project - Recreation Center - Earthwork (Package 3C).
This resolution, for Council’s approval, is an effort to maximize construction efficiencies, Adhere to the construction schedule, and provide a better value for the Old Settler Park Recreation Center. Currently, the OSP Rec Center and Parks and Recreation Administration Building are still under design. The site related design for these structures including grading, clearing, grubbing, demo, asphalt paving, all weather access road, SWPPP, building pads, and wet utilities has reached sixty percent design; meaning the work can be bid under the Construction Manager and construction work can start. To the north of the Recreation site, work is progressing on the APEX field under Harrell Parkway and to the South work is approved to start on Rock N River. With approval of this GMP amendment, Spawglass will be able to continue earthwork operations and utility construction for the new recreation center in sequence with other construction activities.
Cost: $5,287,121.00
Source of Funds: 2023 General Obligation Bonds