Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Professional Consulting Services Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. for Google Fiber Inspection Services.
This Agreement is for professional inspection services related to the placement of Google Fiber in the City of Round Rock's corporate limits by majority micro-trenching operations. With the sheer number of Google Fiber contractors working (9 individual crews possibly increasing to 12 crews) and the conduit being trenched in at nearly three miles a day, current City staff are unable to inspect this work to accommodate Google Fibers production rates. Through negotiations with Google Fiber, they have agreed to fund two contract inspectors to allow for the higher production rate to be maintained. The Public Works Department negotiated with HDR, Inc. to provide scope, schedule and fee schedule to perform the necessary inspection services. The City will be reimbursed by Google Fiber on an monthly invoice basis for these services.
The maximum amount billable under this contract is $682,462.40.
Cost: $682,462.40
Source of Funds: General Fund