Consider a resolution rejecting the bid submitted by Austin Traffic Signal Construction Co. for the Hesters Crossing/La Frontera Traffic Signal Project.
On February 26, 2020, bids were opened and read publicly for a project to construct a traffic signal at the intersection of Hester's Crossing Rd and La Frontera Blvd. The engineer's opinion of probable cost (OPC) for construction was approximately $318,000 and ATS bid was $467,332.26. The discrepancies between the engineer's OPC and the bid from ATS were analyzed, resulting in several ideas for re-engineering the project. Staff will work with the design consultant to revise the scope to include cost saving measures and re-advertise the project.
This traffic signal was warranted based on traffic volumes, which will improve operations. Since the intersection currently functions as a 4-way stop, delaying the project to revise the design and go through the bid process again is not expected to have any negative impacts to safety.