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File #: 2023-397   
Type: Ordinance Status: Approved
File created: 10/26/2023 In control: City Council
On agenda: 12/21/2023 Final action: 12/21/2023
Title: Consider an ordinance adopting Amendment No. 2 to the FY 2022-2023 Operating Budget. (Second Reading)
Attachments: 1. Ordinance, 2. Exhibit A


Consider an ordinance adopting Amendment No. 2 to the FY 2022-2023 Operating Budget. (Second Reading)


Multipurpose Complex Fund

The Multipurpose Complex continues to add and expand events.  The continued growth in programs resulted in the fund exceeding budgeted expenditures by $40,000 for the additional training and events held at the facility.  The fees for the additional events and facility rental rates that increased in June 2022, created additional revenue in FY 2023 to cover the added expenses.  This amendment appropriates an additional $40,0000 of revenues and increases the expense adopted budget by $40,000.


Golf Fund

The Forest Creek Golf Club had another strong year.  The strong year and unexpected curbing and drainage work required at the course results in expenses exceeding original adopted budget by $389,000.  FY 2023 budget was based on 47,200 rounds, but actual rounds were 5,600 higher.  The increased play resulted in $439,000 in revenues above budget, which more than offsets the additional costs.


Both items are routine year end adjustments to bring these funds into compliance with their respective adopted budgets.


Staff recommends approval of this ordinance.