Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Quantity Adjustment/Change Order No. 1 with Bennett Paving, Inc. for the 2023 Residential Street Maintenance Program Project.
The 2023 Residential Street Maintenance Program project was approved in April of 2024 (R-2024-077) with a contract awarded to Bennett Paving, Inc to complete street maintenance in the Dove Creek, Twin Ridge, and Greenslopes at Lake Creek subdivisions. The project included both paving and concrete repair throughout the project limits.
This change order/quantity adjustment will closeout the project with a reduction in the contracted amount by a total of $480,673.56. The reduction is a result of modifying the approach to street repairs to avoid costly impacts to existing subsurface utilities and optimal use of resources during the construction phase. The contractor was able to repair and repave the roadways and meet the City’s expectations for quality while saving on estimated asphalt quantities, resulting in a cost savings for the project.
The original contract price was $8,995,373.
Cost: -$480,673.56
Source of Funds: RR Transportation and Economic Development Corporation