Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Quantity Adjustment/Change Order No. 1 with C.C. Carlton Industries, LTD for the Chandler Road 36-inch Water Transmission Main Project.
Williamson County was the recipient of a significant amount of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding that they have designated to Cities throughout the County for future water infrastructure projects. The County made available an amount of up to $14,000,000 to the Cities of Georgetown and Round Rock from the County’s State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLRF Funds) to reimburse the Cities for eligible expenses.
The funds provided by the County will be utilized for a water supply project that is just one of many future water line segments that will be constructed to meet future needs in Williamson County. The overall objective of these projects will be to bring groundwater to Round Rock and Georgetown.
Round Rock and Georgetown propose to use the funding provided to extend a 36-inch waterline approximately 18,640 feet along Chandler Road from FM 1660 to State Highway 130. The funding will be utilized during the construction phase of the project. The engineering design was cash funded by Round Rock and Georgetown.
On March 28, 2024, the City of Round Rock City Council voted to allow the project to be bid using a Competitive Sealed Proposal alternative bidding method. On July 2nd, Round Rock opened seven proposals for the project. The proposals were evaluated by the City of Georgetown, City of Round Rock and the engineer. The highest-ranking offeror, C.C. Carlton Industries, LTD., was recommended for award. The total base bid amount is $10,991,145.40 plus Bid Alternate No. 1 in the amount of $170,000, for a total contract amount of $11,161,145.40. Round Rock’s portion of the contract amount is 50% or $5,580,572.70.
The entire construction project will be paid for utilizing the SLRF Funds provided by Williamson County. The City of Round Rock and City of ...
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