Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement with Ear Telecommunications, LLC d/b/a "EARTC" for the purchase of street light maintenance.
The City owns and maintains approximately 1,700 street lights within the City Limits. Oncor, TxDOT, and other utility providers also provide street lights throughout Round Rock. Over the past several years, the City has stopped installing Oncor owned and maintained lights through the development process in favor of City owned and maintained lights that provide a better value and reduced ongoing cost for our residents.
This Street Light Maintenance Contract will facilitate a range of applications throughout the city from minor maintenance tasks to complete replacements. This approach will enable the city to supplement preventive maintenance on City Owned street lights in our network, reducing outage reports for city-owned streetlights. The contract will encompass electronic diagnostics, for minor repair, and full knockdown replacements. The contract will assist in the replacement process without the need for a Request for Quotation (RFQ) and provide supplemental help in event of emergencies. The contract has been structured to allow for additional street lights as new development installs them, as well as providing scalability should the City acquire street lights from Oncor or TxDOT.
The contract is for a total of 5 years (60 months) at $200,000 per year for a total of $1,000,000.
Cost: $1,000,000.00
Source of Funds: General Fund