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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/27/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: City Council Chambers, 221 East Main St.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: 03/27 Packet
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultVideo
TMP-25-1291 1F.1Mayor's Special RecognitionConsider a presentation on the results of the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Development Plan.   Not available
2025-081 1G.5ResolutionConsider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement with Elliott Electric Supply Inc. for the purchase of building maintenance repairs and operations.   Not available
2025-077 1G.3ResolutionConsider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement with Ingram Library Services LLC for the purchases of publications, audiovisual materials, books, textbooks and ancillary services.   Not available
TMP-25-1285 1G.1MinutesConsider approval of minutes from the March 13, 2025, City Council meeting.   Not available
2025-073 1G.2ResolutionConsider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement with Grainger, Inc. for the purchase of building maintenance, repairs and operations and industrial supplies.   Not available
2025-076 1H.1ResolutionConsider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Development Agreement with Frontera Hillside Land, LP for the development of property located at the northeast corner of CR172 and SH45.   Not available
2025-078 1H.2ResolutionConsider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement with FarrWest Environmental Supply for the purchase and installation of vehicle upfitting parts and services.   Not available
2025-079 1G.4ResolutionConsider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to "City of Round Rock Agreement for the Purchase of Aftermarket Vehicle Parts with Genuine Parts Company d/b/a 'Napa Auto Parts."   Not available
2025-080 1H.3ResolutionConsider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to "City of Round Rock Agreement for the Purchase of Public Safety and Firehouse Supplies and Equipment with Dana Safety Supply, Inc."   Not available
2025-087 1H.4ResolutionConsider a resolution approving the action of the Round Rock Transportation and Economic Development Corporation in amending the Transportation Capital Improvement Program (TCIP).   Not available
2025-082 1H.5ResolutionConsider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with Asphalt Inc., LLC dba Lone Star Paving Company for the 2024 Residential Street Maintenance Program Project.   Not available
2025-084 1H.6ResolutionConsider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Quantity Adjustment/Change Order No. 1 with Texas Pride Utilities, LLC for the Cycle 3 - Basins 4 & 5 Wastewater Main Rehabilitation Project.   Not available
2025-085 1H.7ResolutionConsider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Supplemental Contract No. 1 with DCS Engineering, LLC for the West Transmission Main Valve Replacement Project.   Not available
2025-086 1H.8ResolutionConsider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Professional Consulting Services Agreement with HOT Inspection Services, Inc. related to the 2026 Chandler Elevated Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project.   Not available
2025-083 1H.9ResolutionConsider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Rule 11 Settlement Agreement with Steven R. Meeks and 7-Eleven, Inc. to acquire a 0.063 acre parcel required for construction of Gattis School Road Segment 3.   Not available
TMP-25-1274 1E.1Public HearingConsider public testimony regarding the development of the CDBG 2025-2026 Annual Action Plan.   Not available